For Christians, the most important “membership” we have is our membership in the Body of Christ, offered through Holy Baptism. All are eligible for this membership, there are no dues, and it never expires. 

What does it mean to be a member at Saint Michael? 

As a member of Saint Michael, you are choosing to belong to our church family and the body of Christ. We extend our invitation to all who affirm the disciplines and promises of the baptismal covenant and commit to growing spiritually with Saint Michael through praying, learning, serving, and giving. Please contact Rob Springer-Kyle to learn more about how to formally become a member of Saint Michael.  

What does membership at Saint Michael look like? 

To be a member of Saint Michael is to take up the responsibilities of Baptism through the worship, mission, and ministries of this church: to worship, work, and give to this community for the spread of the Kingdom of God. To be a member at Saint Michael is to participate and grow your own faith through each of our four discipleship pillars: Pray, Learn, Serve, and Give. Becoming a member of Saint Michael makes you eligible to vote on parish matters and serve as a parish leader.  

Membership at Saint Michael looks like: 

  • PRAY: Growing in prayer involves deepening our intimacy with God by learning to orient more of our daily lives around the practices of adoration, intercession, and thanksgiving. We do this by committing ourselves to weekly attendance at corporate worship and to daily private prayer and devotion. 
  • LEARN: Growing in learning involves deepening and broadening our capacity to recognize the ways the Gospel of Christ bears on every part of our lives. We do this by taking part in Sunday morning formation classes, Bible studies, and small group meetings, and by actively sharing our faith with others and inviting them to church. 
  • SERVE: Growing in serving involves sharing in the servant ministry of Christ himself, the one who comes to us and is among as one who serves. We do this by taking part in one of the many service ministries sponsored by Saint Michael, both inside and outside the church, andby supporting efforts to extend God’s mercy to one another and to the world. 
  • GIVE: Growing in giving involves living more fully into our vocation as bearers of the divine image and stewards of God’s good creation. We do this by committing ourselves to the generous support of the work of the church with our time, our talent, and our treasure.

If you are new to Saint Michael, curious about the path to membership, or simply want to learn more about life at our parish community, we invite you to join us for one of the two series we offer each year (in the spring and in the fall) designed to help those new to the community to learn more about Saint Michael, the Episcopal Church, and Anglicanism. For more information about these series, please see the Adult Classes schedule.

Questions? Fill out the Digital Welcome Card below or contact Rob Springer-Kyle, Director of Engagement, and he will be in touch!   

Every Sunday, all over our campus, you can find helpful members of our Greeter Ministry. Be on the lookout for people wearing greeter nametags, and they’ll help answer any questions you might have during your visit.

Drop us a line by filling out the digital “Welcome Card”, and a member of our clergy or staff will contact you and help you find your next steps at Saint Michael.

Learn More About Saint Michael