Amistad Bolivia Youth Mission Trip | Day 3

July 31, 2024

“The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.”
Matthew 13:45-46

This morning we got to hear from Douglas, one of the ministers at Amistad, as he shared this passage and a devotional to the children of the Amistad Program for Families. The Amistad Program for Families is a preventative care program that works with families who are at high risk of abandoning or showing violence to their children. Every family they work with has experienced some level or brokenness, and through government referral or by self-election, they are able to receive classes on parenting, work with clinical psychologists, and work to become a healthy family again. Despite these hardships, Douglas reminded the children that the world often mistakes “the pearl of great value.” We can be convinced that the pearl we seek is education, wealth, or even a whole and happy family. The real pearl of great value is true and lasting relationship with our creator. The kindness and attention the children receive through this program is tremendous, but what is more remarkable is the way they anchor all this work in the gospel message.

After our morning worship, our youth were invited to play soccer and draw on coloring sheets with the children while Mother Robin and I were given the chance to meet with the directors of the Amistad Program for Families as well as two mothers who have been through the program. They each shared stories of heartbreak and of hope; of their own failures and their successes, of fears and dreams.

In the afternoon we returned to the Villa Amistad to play games, and paint pictures with the children of Casa Esperanza and the neighboring houses in the Villa. We were blessed to be able to meet the four new girls moving into Casa Esperanza and share some ice cream with the whole villa. I have watched how each of our youth have connected with different kiddos and it warms my heart to see those children patiently wait for our van to arrive each day and then hear them shout “Mark, Mark” or “Estee, Estee” as they eagerly welcome their favorite Saint Michael youth.

This evening we were able to join the Young Adults who have aged out of Amistad, but still play a key role in mentoring younger children in the program. We sang happy birthday to one of the young adults who had never been sung happy birthday in English before and before we knew it, we had been with them for over three hours! All in all, it was a wonderful day.

We thank you for your ongoing prayers and cannot wait to share even more stories soon!

Samuel Moore

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