Construction Update – July 17, 2024


July 17, 2024

Dear Saint Michael Parishioners,

Every day we are making significant progress on Saint Michael’s unprecedented Building our Future construction project. We are about to embark on the last stretch of Phase 1, and it’s important that you know what to expect, so together, we can continue in community worship and have fellowship with one another.

Beginning Monday, July 22, there is a big shift in how you enter and leave the church building—especially on Sundays. Here’s what you need to know:

The Main Church and the Saint Michael Chapel will be open for worship services without interruption for the next two years, although you will see significant signs of construction in the adjacent areas as they are walled off for Phase 2.

Beginning Sunday, July 28, and continuing for two years, the primary entrances on Sunday will be the Red Chapel Doors on Colgate Ave. and the Main Church Doors on Douglas Ave. The easiest way to join your worship service in either the Church or the Chapel is to park in the West Lot and walk along Colgate Ave. The rest of the church building will be closed for construction until we reopen the Education Wing at the end of September. The South Entrance lobby on Colgate is reserved for staff and worship volunteers who are preparing for services.


  1. This “Find Your Way” map illustrates the best route for you to follow on Sundays if you park in the West Lot and walk along Colgate Ave. to the Church or Chapel for worship services.
  2. The Phase 1B-2 map showcases that the Church and Chapel remain open while the rest of the church is closed beginning July 22 until the Education Wing reopens at the end of September.

While we are building three new permanent restrooms at the back of the church, which will be ready in September, we are providing high-quality, air-conditioned, handicap-accessible restrooms on the south side of the church next to the circle drive on Colgate.

On Sundays from July 28 through August 11, nursery care, Sunday School classes, and youth groups will take a break, but all ages are invited to join us in worship! Things pick up again for these groups on Sundays from August 18 – September 15, with activities taking place in the Church narthex and Douglas patio at 10 a.m.

September 22: Education Wing “Move-In Day”
Since this past May, construction has been nonstop as we renovate the Education Wing. These newly designed spaces will maximize our ability to promote a life of discipleship as we will be able to hold robust children, youth, and adult Sunday School classes, allow for weekday programming and meetings, host special events, and so much more.

On Sunday, September 22 at 10 a.m., children, youth, and parents are invited to get a sneak peek at the Education Wing spaces and help decorate the classrooms to prepare for the parish wide “Open House” on September 29.

September 29: Education Wing Parish Wide “Open House”
On the same day we celebrate the Feast of Saint Michael, please join us at 10 a.m. as we open the doors to the newly renovated Education Wing! Check out the fresh spaces where adults, children, and youth will gather on Sunday mornings for the Sunday School hour, discover how the space can be used during the week, and see how this wing can be utilized for so much more.

October 6: Formation for All Ages Resumes in New Education Wing
On Sunday, October 6, we will use the new spaces for Sunday School classes for the first time! Please visit to explore our offerings for each upcoming Sunday.

Please continue to visit for the latest information on construction-related updates and a comprehensive FAQ list. We also invite you to email us at [email protected] if you have specific questions.

Thank you to everyone who has already joined us in making a pledge or donation to our bold Building our Future capital campaign. Together, we are continuing this journey as we seek to raise $65 million to make our dream a reality. Don’t miss out on being part of this historic chapter in the life of our church. Please visit to learn more about the campaign and make a pledge. If you have further questions, please contact Caroline Moore, Director of Advancement, at [email protected].

Construction Resources