Jubilee Park and Community Center Book Buddies

Join Jubilee Park as a tutor this year for its reading support program, Book Buddies, focused on providing additional reading instruction to students with the greatest need. Volunteers will spend 30 minutes once a week reading with their Book Buddy beginning in January and lasting until summer break. 15-30 tutors are needed for the program. Orientation and training dates will be made available following sign-ups.

Opportunities are available at Jubilee Park and Community Center, Oran M. Roberts Elementary School, and Mount Auburn Steam Academy.

Dates and Times
Reading Support Opportunities are available in 30-minute slots from 4:30-5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday starting in January.

What to Expect:

A 30-minute commitment each week (for the fall semester) based on your best availability from Monday to Thursday (4:30-5:30 p.m.).

Not available every week? Mark that you would like to be placed on a tag team in the signup questionnaire to ensure your Book Buddy has a tutor available each week.

Want to serve more than 30 minutes? Sign up for two slots, and we will set you up with two Book Buddies. You will tutor for a full hour, 30 minutes with each student.

A 1-2 hour in-person orientation and 20 hours of online training materials on child safety and reading instruction to be completed.

To be paired with a student at Jubilee Park, Oran M. Roberts Elementary School, or Mount Auburn Steam Academy. Location preferences will be considered when possible.

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