Now Hiring: Associate for Pastoral Care

Department: Pastoral Care

Reports To: Current Associate for Pastoral Care until his retirement in summer 2025 and then Senior Associate for Discipleship

Work Hours: Full-Time (including weekends and some nights when on-call)


The new Associate for Pastoral Care supports and assists the ministries and operations of the Department of Pastoral Care, which currently includes Engagement ministries. This involves working under the direction of the current Associate for Pastoral Care to ensure the ministries and operations of the department are aligned with the core focus and priorities of the organization. This role develops collaborative initiatives and relationships with staff and volunteers in other ministries and departments and shares in the sacerdotal ministries of the clergy of Saint Michael. We expect the new Associate for Pastoral Care will assume leadership of the Pastoral Care department when the current Associate for Pastoral Care retires in summer 2025.


  • Become thoroughly familiar with the parishioners, culture, and practices of Saint Michael as a congregation and an organization, and with the operations of the department.
  • Make weekly pastoral visits to parishioners on the visitation lists maintained by the department, and cultivate effective pastoral relationships with parishioners in crisis. The Associate for Pastoral Care may also provide pastoral care for staff in crisis when requested by the current Associate for Pastoral Care.
  • Help support and develop Pastoral Care volunteer ministries (Good Shepherds, Lay Eucharistic Visitors, etc.).
  • Cultivate collaborative relationships with staff and volunteers in other ministry areas and take part in select programs under the supervision of the current Associate for Pastoral Care.
  • Share in sacerdotal responsibilities and ministries (leading worship, preaching, teaching, etc.).
  • Work closely with the current Associate for Pastoral Care on a leadership transition plan for summer 2025.
  • Become thoroughly familiar and conversant with organizational and departmental protocols, tools, and platforms (e.g., EOS, CRM, eSpace, Safe Church, etc.).
  • Become familiar with existing care groups and assist with the development and oversight of new ones (grief, addiction, etc.).
  • Attend meetings relevant to Pastoral Care, including but not limited to the Engagement and Pastoral Care Standing Committee of the Vestry, Ministry Leaders, Directors Meeting, and All Staff.
  • Assist in the development and oversight of the program budget for Pastoral Care.
  • Become a proficient user of the Saint Michael CRM and assist with data entry of relevant pastoral care information.


  • Aligned with our Core Focus: “Build Christian disciples for a transformed community”
  • Committed to our staff core values: collaborative, loyal, effective, kind, and growth-oriented
  • A dependable, energetic achiever who holds herself/himself to high standards of job performance, spiritual engagement, and ethical behavior
  • An effective verbal and written communicator with excellent interpersonal skills


  • Mature and sophisticated understanding of pastoral care, interpersonal boundaries, and healthy group systems
  • Excellent preacher, teacher, and writer
  • Proven skills managing people and collaborating with other professionals
  • Highly organized and at ease with computers, database programs, social media platforms, and software programs, including the Microsoft Productivity Suite
  • Attention to detail – able to follow detailed procedures and ensure accuracy
  • Confidentiality – able to exercise mature judgment and show discretion with sensitivity to the needs of others

If you would like to apply or learn more, please send a letter of interest, resume, and OTM portfolio to Shannon Blake, Executive Assistant to the Vice Rector, [email protected], or Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, 8011 Douglas Avenue Dallas, Texas 75225.