VNA Meals On Wheels Announces the 2023 Mary Bartholow Volunteer of the Year Awardees

Byrd Teague and Ruthie Garrett are the faces of Saint Michael and All Angels Meals on Wheels team. The late Mary Bartholow recruited them to join the team more than ten years ago, and since that time, they have delivered thousands of meals and recruited dozens of new volunteers. They gain much enjoyment from the connection and love they feel for the Meals on Wheels clients.
The ladies became friends as fellow members of the acolyte corps, and their friendship deepened when they started delivering Meals on Wheels together. Byrd and Ruthie are Christian disciples who feel an obligation to share their blessings and give back to the community. When Mary passed away suddenly, Byrd and Ruthie stepped in and helped the churchâand the Meals on Wheels staffâunderstand Maryâs system to ensure a smooth leadership transition. They now serve as route coordinators for three of the Saint Michael routes. From delivering extra routes when needed to provide words of support and encouragement to the VNA Meals on Wheels team, we all benefit from Byrd and Ruthieâs compassionate spirit.
Byrd and Ruthie are the dream team! As servant leaders admired by many at Saint Michael and VNA, these ladies embody Mary Bartholowâs commitment to VNA Meals on Wheels and those we serve and are the well deserving of this award. We thank them for their warm hearts and dedication to helping people age with dignity and independence at home.
This announcement was published in the Behind The Wheel â May 2023 Newsletter on May 26, 2023.