Your twenties and thirties are full of transitions, questions, and milestones, which is why we created Saint Michael Young Adults Ministry, designed specifically for 20-30 somethings. The Young Adult Ministry is a place to pray, learn, serve, and give in the context of genuine community as you grow in your relationship with God and others.

Upcoming Events

Contact Rob Springer-Kyle if you have any questions regarding Young Adult Ministry events, serving, or Bible study opportunities at [email protected] or 214-692-3008.

  • What can I expect on a Sunday?
    • A typical Sunday gathering consists of 9 a.m. or 11 a.m. worship, 10 a.m. adult formation. There are also great Sunday serving opportunities through our Welcome-Greeter Ministry.
  • What about childcare?
    • Childcare is available on Sundays for children 3 and under. Please allow about 15 minutes to arrive, check in your children, and get to formation. 
  • When do social events and/or Service projects occur?
    • Typically, at the end of (or just before) a Formation Bible study series.
    • Click here for details and upcoming serving opportunities.
  • Can I attend or bring a friend if I (or they) have not RSVP’d?
    • Absolutely! RSVPs are just to help us do our best to make sure we have adequate space and/or enough food. The more the merrier, all are welcome!
  • What if I miss a Bible Study or cannot attend a social gathering or service project?
    • That’s totally fine. Come when you are able and/or RSVP and let us know when you are planning to attend. We look forward to seeing you!
  • How do I find my way around the Saint Michael Campus?

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