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Traditional Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Sun, February 16 @ 9:00 am

Narthex (Lobby Area for Main Church), Church/Sanctuary, Narthex – CHURCH
The 9 a.m. service in the church is a traditional Rite II Holy Eucharist. Our choir (children, youth, and adult singers) leads the congregation in hymns and service music, and also sings an Offertory anthem. Families who prefer a more formal service are among those who attend, as well as a large cross-section of adults. Children, youth, and adults all serve as worship ministers for this service (acolytes, servers, lectors, greeters and ushers). This service is streamed live here.


Sun, February 16
9:00 am - 10:00 am


Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church
8011 Douglas Ave
Dallas, TX 75225 United States