
Class for Parents
Class for Parents

Guest teacher Farahana Kassam leads a session of the Class for Parents on Mindfulness.

Filling Your Cup

Class for Parents
Class for Parents
Filling Your Cup

Kathleen Fischer discusses some of the challenges we face when raising our children.

Discernment: How to Discipline, Communicate, and Guide to Equip and Empower our Children with Resilience and Confidence

Class for Parents
Class for Parents
Discernment: How to Discipline, Communicate, and Guide to Equip and Empower our Children with Resilience and Confidence

Dr. Brad Schwall guides parents through some of the challenging aspects of raising a family.

Setting Boundaries – Part Two

Class for Parents
Class for Parents
Setting Boundaries - Part Two

We continue our study on how and when to set boundaries, and which boundaries are appropriate.

Setting Boundaries: How Healthy Choices Grow Healthy Children

Class for Parents
Class for Parents
Setting Boundaries: How Healthy Choices Grow Healthy Children

Elizabeth Gorman and Rachel Brannon continue last week’s discussion by exploring our study books and learning about appropriate boundaries for kids and teens.

New Beginnings: Reflect & Recharge

Class for Parents
Class for Parents
New Beginnings: Reflect & Recharge

Elizabeth Gorman leads our Class for Parents discussion as we focus on a new year with our children.

Family Traditions

Class for Parents
Class for Parents
Family Traditions

The Rev. Mary Lessmann teaches us how to incorporate traditions from both sides of the family into our liturgical practices.

A Conversation about Stewardship

Class for Parents
Class for Parents
A Conversation about Stewardship

This week in the Class for Parents, we discussed the importance of Stewardship and giving as a family.

Showing Gratitude by Serving as a Family

Class for Parents
Class for Parents
Showing Gratitude by Serving as a Family

Christi Morrow teaches us the remarkable impact of serving the community as a family.

Gratitude: Chris King with Amistad, Bolivia

Class for Parents
Class for Parents
Gratitude: Chris King with Amistad, Bolivia

Chris King, executive director of Amistad, tells us about his organization’s important work in Bolivia.