Anglican Poetry

The Reverend Dr. Eric J. Liles, Associate for Formation, discusses the great Anglican poets in this week’s Our Story class.
Thank you for your support and patience as you see more and more signs of construction as we make progress in renovating our campus for our future. Every step in the process demonstrates how God is working within our parish for the glory of his kingdom.
Please visit the construction impact page for all of the latest updates.
During the 2018-19 program year, Christian formation for all ages at Saint Michael had the opportunity to learn the arch of the biblical narrative through “God’s Story.” During 2019-2020, many of our adults will continue their journey of formation by engaging in “Our Story.” If God’s Story, the Bible, represents the Scripture leg of the three legged stool of Anglican Faith, then “Our Story” represents the Tradition leg (the third leg, Reason, will be our focus the following year with “My Story”). “Our Story” is the narrative of how our theology and history have shaped us as followers of Jesus since biblical times. Most Sundays, during the 10:00 a.m. formation hour, this class will meet in the Saint Michael chapel and be led by our clergy, lay leaders and many other experts in Christian History and Theology from SMU, Perkins, Sewanee, SSJE, and Texas Wesleyan. Come join us each week as we grow in our “faith seeking understanding” (Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury 1093-1109).