Serving in church helps support our clergy and staff during worship services, formation classes, and much more. Take a look at the many different opportunities and ways to serve in church on Sundays and throughout the week below!

The Acolyte Corps of Saint Michael is composed of 200 persons (adults and youth) who serve at the altar assisting the priests or by participating in the processional traditions of our liturgy. They serve at all parish services and on special occasions, i.e. Baptisms, Confirmation, Weddings, and Funerals. Yearly activities include training sessions and several social events.
Altar Guild
Every service actually begins and ends with the work of the Altar Guild. Each week members assist the clergy and serve the Parish by preparing the sacraments and maintaining all supplies necessary for the worship services. Caring for the sacred vessels, vestments, bread, wine, linens, candles, torches and prayer stations in all the worship spaces is a true ministry.
Angel Food Cooks
Angel Food Cooks is a ministry made up of volunteers who are available to provide a delicious meal to parishioners in need. Those receiving the meals are individuals and families of Saint Michael and All Angels who may be going through a challenging time due to a recent hospitalization, ongoing illness, or the birth of a child.
Card Ministry
The Card Ministry, working with the Pastoral Care office, stays in touch with parishioners by sending cards of sympathy on the deaths of loved ones and cards are sent to the homebound in celebration of birthdays and holidays. A greeting also goes to the precious new arrivals of our Saint Michael families.
Friends in Christ
The Friends in Christ Ministry re-establishes ties with parishioners who, for various reasons, are unable to attend church but wish to stay in touch with the life of our parish. A cadre of visitor Friends in Christ has been formed and makes visits offering friendship and a listening ear to those they visit.
Good Shepherd Ministry
The Good Shepherds are the liaisons between parish members and the church, and help care, communicate and connect with parishioners to foster a stronger sense of community both inside and outside the church walls.
Intercessory Prayer Ministry (Daily)
The Daily Intercessory Prayer Ministry offers daily prayers from online prayer requests or through the Pastoral Care Ministries office. All prayer requests are kept in strict confidence.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEV)
Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEV) are teams of trained parishioners who take the bread and wine, directly from the church altar to parishioners who cannot be in church. They are served in the hospital, at home, or in assisted living facilities. This is a fulfilling ministry for people of all ages – single or married, and a bonding experience for families serving together.
The Lector Corps is a group of lay persons who serve the church by reading the day’s lessons and leading the Prayers of the People in our worship services.
Prayer Shawl Knitting Ministry
Prayer Shawls are knitted by the Saint Michael Prayer Shawl Knitting Ministry, extending the love of our parish to those who are hurting or ill. Each of these shawls is tagged with a label that identifies it as being knit with love at Saint Michael and a healing prayer is added. Each shawl is blessed by the clergy and by the entire congregation prior to distribution.
Recovery Advocates
Recovery Advocates is made up of volunteers who work to provide the spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being of those who experience substance abuse or other addictions. Contact this ministry for any help in navigating the recovery community.
St. Mary’s Guild
St. Mary’s Guild will only be offering their delicious savory and sweets on certain dates. We will be located outside near the circle drive by the South Entrance between the Church and the Chapel and would love for you to stop by!
Standing Committees of the Vestry
Standing Committees at Saint Michael amplify and support the work of the Vestry. Working in partnership with Staff Directors, members of Standing Committees provide strategic advice, tactical support, and overall help in their specialty area.
Touch Base Phone Ministry
Touch Base Phone Ministry is a voice at the other end of the telephone representing the parish of Saint Michael and All Angels, its clergy, and staff. This caring voice checks on those who are homebound.
The ushers are typically the first and last people that visitors see at our church services. They bring a friendly spirit and warmth to our services and are responsible for handing out programs, assisting people in finding a seat, managing the offerings, and for the orderly movement of people to and from communion. The men and women of our Usher Corps are personable, friendly, and sensitive to the needs of others.
Welcome-Greeter Ministry
The Welcome-Greeter Ministry is an intergenerational ministry and a simple, fun opportunity to begin serving on Sundays at Saint Michael. The goal of Welcome-Greeter Ministry is to welcome, inform, and help connect parishioners, guests, and visitors on Sundays with the many different ministries and opportunities to pray, learn, serve, and give. Welcome-Greeter Ministry has two core Sunday serving opportunities: Greeter Volunteers and Welcome Liaison Volunteers.
Youth Sunday School Teacher
Serving as a Sunday School Teacher is an invaluable way to impact the lives of our youth. By volunteering, you not only get the opportunity to know and care for the youth of our church, but in serving, you also demonstrate to them the importance of service in your life of faith. By no means should you feel you need to have all the answers. All you need is a willingness to share your time.