Christian Marriage at Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church

We are delighted that you are considering being married in the Christian Church and specifically at Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. For over 60 years our sacred spaces have been the setting for many splendid weddings. Should you choose Saint Michael as the location for one of the most joyous and sacred days of your life there are a few items that we would like you to consider.

The first consideration for you, as a couple, is to ask yourselves whether or not you want a Christian marriage or simply a place in which to be married.

It is vital for couples planning to be married in the church to understand that Christian marriage implies a belief that God, through Jesus Christ, will play an important role in their new relationship and throughout their life together and the wedding service is the beginning of that remarkable journey. By having your wedding at Saint Michael we hope that you will experience the deep and wonderful meaning of Christian marriage which can be lost when the church is reduced to no more than a beautiful setting for a ceremony.

“Who may be married at Saint Michael and All Angels Church?”

Any man and woman, if:

  • They are sincerely committed to establishing a Christian marriage;
  • One of the two parties is baptized
  • One of the two parties is presently a member, or whose parents, or grandparents are members of record of Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, or as a couple you desire to become members of record at Saint Michael.
  • They are willing to conform to the good standards of our wedding policies and complete the pre marital class series, or its equivalent if currently living outside of the Dallas area.

To become members of record at Saint Michael and All Angels the couple will need to attend the next Saint Michael 101 class, make a written monetary pledge to Saint Michael for the current year, and by enrolling his/her/their membership at Saint Michael and All Angels.

If there has been a divorce for one or both parties intending to be married, permission of the Bishop of the Diocese of Dallas must be obtained. This upholds the Church’s pastoral responsibility to ensure that divorced persons fully comprehend the reasons for the failure of the first marriage. Therefore, a minimum of 3 months is needed between initiating the wedding paperwork and the date of the proposed wedding.

“How are wedding arrangements made?”

As you begin to discern that God is calling you and your beloved to the sacrament of marriage, you may complete the interactive form below located at the red Reserve Your Date tab. A staff or clergy member will then be in touch regarding the next steps in the process. Please feel free to reach out to the Rev. Dr. Andrew Grosso if you have other questions or concerns at [email protected].

“Tell me about Pre-marital instruction?”

We at Saint Michael and All Angels Church feel it to be enormously important to offer to those
being married here a significant opportunity to lay the groundwork for their life together as
husband and wife. The Christian Marriage course includes both of the following:

1. Attendance at four Sunday morning pre-marital classes.

a. Marriage: Covenant, Christ, & Community
b. The Role of Power & Influence
c. Creating your Vision of Marriage
d. Generosity & Money in Marriage

2 Private counseling with Dr. Saleem Ateek

a. One (2) hour session which will include taking the FOCCUS© Pre-Marriage Inventory
b. One (1) hour session which will include reviewing results of the FOCCUS© Pre-Marriage Inventory

There will be a fee of $350 for the private counseling.

Sundays – January 26, and February 2, 9, 16 at 10 a.m.
Sundays – April 27, and May 4, 11, 18 at 10 a.m.
Sundays – September 21, 28, and October 5, 12 at 10 a.m.

To register for classes please send an email to the Rev. Dr. Andrew Grosso, [email protected], with the dates you will be attending along with names, home addresses, contact numbers, email addresses and wedding date.

Download Saint Michael Wedding Handbook
Marriage Information Form
Declaration of Intent Form
Photo & Video Policies Agreement