Prime Timers by Ruth Mason

While our name has changed over the years: “Second Halfers,” “VIPs” (Very Important People), and now, “Prime Timers,” our purpose remains the same: be with old friends, meet new people, enjoy interesting programs, take fun day trips, and eat great food at all times!
A good example of our success comes from Marvin Thedford’s experience: “Joining SMAA with my family a number of years ago, I soon made friends with Ed Laska, Don Waddington, Ruth Mason, and Gus and Marilyn Seeberger. When I lost my wife, Julie, they urged me to join Prime Timers. Since I like learning new things, the monthly programs and trips did just that for me. Being part of this group has helped me visit and experience so many things that I would not have done on my own.”
Second Halfers, the first incarnation in the 1970s, was all about food and fellowship. Joyce Hull and Mary Melvin led and fed a group of couples and singles 50 years and older, meeting in the Coke room. That morphed into VIPs, with leadership and encouragement from Fr. Don Spafford. Growth included expanding to the current schedule with two meetings a month: an in-house program and a local trip of interest by coach. Many years later, at the urging of the Rector, Bob Dannals, the name was changed to Prime Timers.
For programs, we have met Ross Perot Live and in Person, spinning his adventurous tales, to be followed years later with a biography of his life by Dave Lieber, Watchdog for the Dallas Morning News (DMN). Other speakers have included Weatherman Pete Delkus, the Dallas Police Choir, City and County officials, and our own Walt Humann—Jubilee and Fair Park advocate. Even Ebenezer Scrooge might make a December appearance! To cap this off there’s always a catered meal at the conclusion of every program.
Adults of all ages are welcome to come to Prime Timers any time we meet. Carolyn Hargrave, a longtime member, feels it is the ideal activity for single people or those living alone.
To read about our upcoming events, please see the Prime Timers webpage here.
**This article was written by Ruth Mason and was featured in the 2023 Fall Archangel.