Upcoming Parish Events

Feast of the Transfiguration

Tuesday, Aug 06, 2024, 6:00 PM

in Saint Michael Chapel –Incense will be in use

Join us for Holy Eucharist on the Feast of the Transfiguration, which commemorates Jesus' unveiling as the Son of God, and his radical change of appearance while in the presence of Peter, James, and John on a mountaintop.


Let's Taco 'Bout Fall

Sunday, Aug 18, 2024, 10:00 AM

Children and Youth are invited to join us to "Taco 'Bout Fall" on Sunday, August 18! Come a little early or stick around after the worship services to learn all about our exciting fall programming for youth and children.

We'll be serving delicious tacos and handing out program calendars for all our upcoming fall events in the Children and Family Ministry (CFM) and Youth Ministry. It's a perfect opportunity to grab a tasty taco, pick up a refrigerator magnet, and say hello as we gear up for a fantastic fall season!


Mission Project with Youth & CFM

Sunday, Aug 25, 2024, 10:00 AM

Stop by the CFM, Youth, and M&O table in the narthex of the Church to pick up your family’s take-home mission project which is writing letters to our mission partners in Bolivia.


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All Angels Foundation Call for Trustee Nominations

Do you know a fellow parishioner who would be a good trustee to serve on our All Angels Foundation? Learn more about the All Angels Foundation at https://allangelsfoundation.org/. If interested in becoming a trustee, please contact Stewart Thomas at [email protected] by August 16.

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Serve in Church as a Youth Sunday School Teacher

Serving as a Sunday School Teacher is an invaluable way to impact the lives of our youth. By volunteering, you not only get the opportunity to know and care for the youth of our church, but in serving, you also demonstrate to them the importance of service in your life of faith. By no means should you feel you need to have all the answers. All you need is a willingness to share your time.

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Now Hiring: Associate for Pastoral Care

The new Associate for Pastoral Care supports and assists the ministries and operations of the Department of Pastoral Care, which currently includes Engagement ministries. This involves working under the direction of the current Associate for Pastoral Care to ensure the ministries and operations of the department are aligned with the core focus and priorities of the organization. This role develops collaborative initiatives and relationships with staff and volunteers in other ministries and departments and shares in the sacerdotal ministries of the clergy of Saint Michael. We expect the new Associate for Pastoral Care will assume leadership of the Pastoral Care department when the current Associate for Pastoral Care retires in summer 2025.

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Standing Committees of the Vestry

Standing Committees at Saint Michael amplify and support the work of the Vestry. Working in partnership with Staff Directors, members of Standing Committees provide strategic advice, tactical support, and overall help in their specialty area. The...
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Construction Update – July 17, 2024

Every day we are making significant progress on Saint Michael’s unprecedented Building our Future construction project. We are about to embark on the last stretch of Phase 1, and it’s important that you know what to expect, so together, we can continue in community worship and have fellowship with one another.

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