Children, youth, and families are invited to learn about our greeter ministry and discover how they can be part of this team who welcomes everyone on Sunday mornings.
Youth interested in learning how the AVL team works its magic to run the worship services, record the sermons, and execute the online livestream are invited to this behind-the-scenes look and see if they want to volunteer with this ministry.
Jim is a global business leader, philanthropist, educator, artist, musician, commercial pilot, and modern renaissance man. He is the former CEO of two internally recognized Fortune 500 companies, 7-Eleven, Inc, and Blockbuster, Inc. His other business interests cover a broad range of industries including retail, consumer products, technology, new space, energy, and advanced nuclear. He sits on several public company boards and serves as a board adviser to a venture capital firm and a number of start-up companies.
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Committing to Discipleship by the Rev. Dr. Christopher D. Girata
The Archangel Magazine | Fall 2024
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Amistad Bolivia Adult Mission Trip 2024
Amistad Bolivia Youth Mission Trip | Day 6
The last full day has come and gone! This morning we had the great opportunity to worship at one of the local Catholic Churches of Cochabamba, Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Amistad Bolivia Youth Mission Trip | Day 5
Today might have been the best day yet! We began the morning with a trip to one of Cochabamba’s largest parks with the children of Casa Esperanza, including the four new girls who joined the family only yesterday.
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