Tela, Honduras Day 5 & Recap | February 2024
By the Rev. Robin Hinkle
We have returned from our wonderful time in Tela re-entering again the space of our of 1st World problems. I have to say that, once again, the lessons we learn from our trips abroad clearly affect our perspective. The joy and love that the children, their mothers, the seniors and the hosts share with us is humbling, overwhelming, graceful and sustaining. The blessings of outreach ministry go both ways.
I thank the team for all of the work they did building sidewalks so the children could avoid the mud, applying fluoride for healthy teeth, teaching about the Fruits of God’s Holy Spirit, while sharing wonderful art projects and peppy songs. Being a part of a mission team is a gift. We share work, but also meals and worship and fun. I treasure the old friendships that have grown deeper and the new friendships that are just beginning.
As we end this chapter of our work in Tela, I pray for the children, that our Lord will continue to fill their hearts with love and joy as they grow into the unique child He has created them to be. I also pray for the work of the church and school at Espiritu Santo, that their light will shine brightly in the Tela community, and that they will be abundantly blessed with the resources they need to continue their good work. And I pray for the Tela community, that its leaders will be inspired as they consider the needs of the poor including housing and education. And finally, I pray that more people in our Saint Michael community will have the opportunity to join in this kind of work to receive the beautiful blessings that are its fruit. If you are considering joining a team, please give me a call!
Blessings of peace and joy!
– Mother Robin