The All Angels Foundation’s Journey of Transformative Love by Nita Clark

How We Are Making a Difference through Elevating, Empowering, and Healing Acts of Love
Take a look around Dallas at effective non-profits addressing the most pressing needs in our community, and very likely you will discover that the seeds to establish that non-profit grew from a faith-based institution. The VNA was started in 1934 by Sadie Lefkowitz and members of Temple Emanu-El, and to this day relies heavily on faith-based organizations (including SMAA) to deliver Meals on Wheels. The Stewpot began when members of First Presbyterian Church of Dallas did something to address urgent needs of homelessness in the neighborhood. There are so many more- St. Phillips, Literacy Achieves, Trinity River Mission, Promise House, Casa de Vida, North Dallas Shared Ministries, and Vogel Alcove. And most familiar to SMAA, Walt Humann and others in our parish launched an effort to improve the neighborhood now known as Jubilee. It’s inspiring to see what emerges from grassroots efforts when people, purpose, and resources of a faith-based community align.
The All Angels Foundation, the philanthropic branch of Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, serves the essential role of stewarding resources to ensure the stability and vitality of our parish. In addition, through a competitive grants process, the Foundation awards grants to organizations outside our church walls, whose mission aligns with our core pillars of giving: Empowering Acts of Love, Healing Acts of Love, and Elevating Acts of Love.
In my role as Chair of the Grants Committee for the All Angels Foundation, I am delighted to highlight a few examples of recent grants to illustrate how we begin to define “acts of love” and how the parish is making a profound difference through the All Angels Foundation.
Empowering Acts of Love
The Foundation supports organizations tackling food insecurity, fostering community gardens, bridging technology gaps, offering job assistance, and providing vital support during times of disaster.
Literacy Achieves
The Foundation was able to fund an urgent request to fund necessary building repairs at the Vickery Meadow campus. The Early Childhood Education Program suffered extensive damage from a burst pipe after the December 2022 freeze, rendering the building unusable. Literacy Achieves provides literacy classes, childcare, school readiness, job attainment and advancement to the immigrant and refugee population.
“We are ecstatic to have your support of the renovation of the Children’s Building. This timely gift will go a long way toward making us whole.” – Tracey Love Director of Development at Literacy Achieves
Elevate North Texas
The All Angels Foundation supports the Hotel Voucher Emergency Shelter program at Elevate North Texas. The program partners with hotels in DFW to provide extended stay rooms for homeless youth between the ages of 18–24.
“We were able to help 54 youth. 16 through immediate shelter and 38 through our Reunification/Diversion Program. We have your foundation to thank for that so, thank you for believing in our mission enough to help us get started.” – Jason Vallejo Founder & Executive Director
The Stewpot
The Foundation awarded a grant to the Stewpot to support its ID program to ensure clients experiencing homelessness can move forward to start a new life.
“We are incredibly grateful to the All Angels Foundation for supporting The Stewpot’s ID Services for those experiencing homelessness. The Stewpot is the primary organization in Dallas assisting individuals in getting vital documents, such as birth certificates and Texas IDs, which are critical for obtaining housing and employment. All Angels is helping us recover over 5,200 documents a year.” –Brenda Snitzer, Executive Director
Jerusalem Princess Basma Center
The Anglican Communion Compass Rose Society received a grant from the Foundation, designated specifically towards the Mother and Family Empowerment Program.
“A heartfelt thank you on behalf of the children and families here for supporting us… The path is long and exhausting for Palestinian families raising children with disabilities, where there is much cultural stigma. But here, in addition to expert medical intervention, we provide a welcome, psychosocial support and training, so that parents leave us more confident and empowered to advocate for their child in their community.” –Violette Mubarak General Director
Healing Acts of Love
The Foundation actively engages in initiatives that foster reconciliation, interfaith dialogue, and youth empowerment, with the goal of creating scalable models that bring about positive and lasting change in communities.
Tomorrow’s Women
Dialogue Facilitator in Training Certificate Program
“25 Jewish Israelis, Arab Israelis and Palestinians from the West Bank participated in the program and through their practicums, these courageous young women reached 200 individuals in their communities for rich dialogue in various gatherings.” –Ghida Sinno, Development Director
Elevating Acts of Love
Through the collaboration of the All Angels Foundation and Saint Michael and All Angels, we have established a grants program to elevate the mission of the Church and its affiliated outreach initiatives. These grants provide crucial resources and support to projects proposed by the Church’s clergy, staff, and Vestry allowing us to expand outreach efforts and fund essential programs. Recent gifts include:
• Saint Michael and All Angels: New banner stands/flag poles for worship services
• United to Learn: Childhood Education Needs/Brain Development Partnership
• Jubilee Park & Community Center: 25th Anniversary Commemoration and ongoing support
• St. Philips School & Community Center: Support for Aunt Bette’s Community Pantry
As a member of Saint Michael and All Angels since the age of four, I’ve had many years to witness the abundance of talent and generosity of spirit among our parishioners, clergy and staff. Never have I seen as much energy and purpose to serve our community as right now. Please take a moment to learn more about the Foundation by visiting
**This article was written by Nita Clark and was featured in the 2023 Fall Archangel.