Choral Compline – Pillars of Faith
Sunday, September 8, 2024, 7:00 PM
The Compline Choir is excited to offer their service, Pillars of Faith on September 8, 2024, at 7 p.m. in the Church. In this thirty-minute meditative service, our community will root themselves to the pillars of our church’s teachings of pray, learn, serve, and give with the mirrored musical offerings of hope, faith, life, and love.
The Compline Choir, featuring sixteen of Dallas’ finest singers, will weave a gorgeous mosaic of our faith’s foundations through a musical journey from the English Renaissance to New Age “Americana.” This service invites us to reflect on these pillars as we embark on laying our own new foundations during this season of physical change. We invite you to join us for an evening of reflection as we deepen our spiritual connection to our roots and embrace the future together.
We will offer in-person Choral Compline a few times each year. On each occasion, the main church Douglas Avenue doors will be open to a quiet, candlelit church at 6:30 p.m. All in-person Compline services will also include light coming only from candles, processing, and incense.
Coming from the Latin completorium, from which we have our word “complete,” This meditative service is designed as the concluding prayer of our day. Lasting a little less than 30 minutes and in our candlelit church, this liturgy centers around the Psalms, Scripture, and prayers taken from Scripture (including the Nunc Dimittis – the Song of Simeon). Unaccompanied music by the Compline Choir of Gregorian chant and Renaissance polyphony - no sermon or Holy Eucharist. The particular liturgical aesthetic of our Compline is aimed at concluding our weekend with reflection, calm, and peace. Compline is an ideal setting for those who may not regularly attend church.
Learn more about Choral Compline here.
Tags: Compline / Music / Saint Michael Parish Events