Standing Committees: Cultivating Christian Leaders By The Rev. Kenneth H. Brannon

By the Rev. Kenneth H. Brannon, Vice Rector

The staff and I are continually impressed by the character, gifts, skills, and abilities of Saint Michael’s lay leaders. They bring their very best passion and intellect to the work of the church, ensuring that finances are sound, operations are smooth, and ministries are effective. We are very grateful for those who have been called to leadership in this community.

The Vestry is an obvious way to exercise leadership at Saint Michael. The Vestry has grown a great deal over the past seven years. Agendas are focused, staff reports are clear, and the strategic nature of our work is front and center. I have noticed that there is a nice balance between business-oriented and spirit-oriented conversations. While the Vestry provides careful oversight of all aspects of church life, there is a high degree of trust with the clergy, staff, and committees that brings items forward for consideration and approval.

Over the past two years, the Rector and Vestry have paid particular attention to Standing Committees of the Vestry (formerly Charter Committees), which inform and amplify the work of the Vestry. Well-functioning Standing Committees not only strengthen the Church, but also provide growth opportunities for parishioners seeking to exercise leadership in a Christ-centered way. Whereas there used to be just a few robust Standing Committees, there are now 17. The current list of Standing Committees and their leaders may be found on the facing page.

Each Standing Committee corresponds to a Director-level position on staff. This ensures that staff and parishioners are working closely together to clarify vision, consider strategies, and implement solutions. In some churches, there are not enough staff, so parishioners have to do everything. In other churches, there are plenty of staff, but parishioners are relegated to a passive role in the future and direction of the church. At Saint Michael, we aim for another kind of reality—a well-balanced team of staff and parish leaders moving the church forward together. This process takes time and attention, but the outcome is much better, not only for the individuals involved, but also for Saint Michael as a whole.

Please consider whether you are being called to join a Standing Committee. There may be a particular area that is right up your alley. Ideal candidates have some knowledge or expertise in the particular area, are good at strategic thinking, collaborate well with others, and see themselves as maturing disciples of Jesus Christ. Specifically, Standing Committee members must be baptized, attend church regularly, and be current financial givers of record.

If you would like to be considered for Standing Committee leadership, reach out to me and my Executive Assistant, Shannon Blake. In the late spring/early summer, we will begin a formal nomination process, with committee elections occurring in the fall.

As members of the Body of Christ, all of us have something essential to bring to our common life. For some of you, Standing Committee leadership may be a good fit. We look forward to helping you discern that call.


**This article was written by the Rev. Kenneth H. Brannon and was featured in the 2024 Summer Archangel.